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Northeast Green Light Project

Light Installation Energizes Holland Neighborhood – Unveiling of public art project to visually represent neighborhood energy conservation efforts.

The Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) and Minneapolis Holland Neighborhood hosted an unveiling for the NE Green Light Project at Edison High School on Thursday, November 7 at 3:30pm. Speakers included Councilmember Kevin Reich, CEE President Sheldon Strom, an Edison High School Green Council member, and artist James Brenner.

Six light sculptures of steel, glass, fiber-optic lighting, and LED lamps ranging in height from ten to twelve feet were installed on the SE corner of the Edison High School parking lot. The sculptures connect to a wireless data management system, and their lamps change color to represent the how much energy the neighborhood saves through CEE’s programs.

“The NE Green Light Project is an outstanding example of how a focused neighborhood, working with diverse partners, can launch a significant sustainability initiative to create real change in their community. In addition to beautification, this piece will demonstrate the power of art to create awareness and inspire positive action.” – Council Member Kevin Reich

The NE Green Light Project personalizes the public’s understanding of energy use and demonstrates the collective impact of individual decisions. CEE is a Minneapolis nonprofit organization that promotes energy efficiency to strengthen the economy while improving the environment. This installation is part of CEE’s new Art as Energy initiative to support a public art project that empowers energy behavior change.

“It’s wonderful to see so much activity around saving energy in the Holland Neighborhood. I really like that so many people can be involved in helping to change the lights in the Green Light art installation. Whether it be students saving energy at Edison High School, businesses retrofitting their lighting, or residents saving at home through the Home Energy Squad Enhanced visits, all these connections are being made and people are working together for the good of all.” – Doug Werner, HNIA Board member

Learn more about the NE Green Light project is available at The Center for Energy and Environment

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