wind energy

Energy efficiency, renewables, and customer participation are fueling success

October is Energy Awareness Month, a great time to consider the ways that you can move forward with energy efficiency and renewable energy projects—many of which can be supported by your electric utility.

Xcel Energy shared some ideas to help you save energy and money. Explore opportunities below!

1) Energy efficiency is alive and well

In 2018, Xcel Energy customers participated in 4.8 million energy efficiency projects across all eight states that it serves. And projects range from large-scale to small, do-it-yourself efforts.

  • Xcel Energy’s Home Energy Squad: Provides in-home visits from local efficiency experts, who will perform an affordable Home Energy Audit and identify and discuss the small home improvements that can help you save money. Then, the Home Energy Squad team gets to work, installing your preferred energy-saving measures.
  • DIY: If you want to start today at home with some small do-it-yourself projects, check out these simple, low, and no-cost energy efficiency tips.
  • Partners in Energy: Another great way for communities to jump-start energy efficiency by empowering energy planning. By working with citizens, businesses, and government facilities, Partners In Energy can help a community can shave dollars off utility bills, promote renewables, drive resource conservation or contribute toward their greenhouse gas reduction goals.

2) Wind and solar keep growing

Solar technology has become more affordable and efficient, enabling Xcel Energy to expand its plans to add large amounts of solar to its system. When you combine the energy generated from community solar gardens, with the energy from large, universal solar farms, Xcel Energy currently has more than 700 megawatts of solar capacity, which is enough to power more than 177,000 average-size homes for a year.

  • Planning for the nation's largest multi-state investment in wind energy: Xcel Energy has announced plans to increase our wind portfolio 55 percent by the end of 2021 by adding twelve new wind farms in seven states bringing on line nearly 3,700 megawatts of wind capacity to our system. Xcel Energy has found that the cost to build a wind farm is offset by future fuel savings, providing our customers with affordable clean energy for years to come.
  • How you can leverage renewables: Windsource makes clean energy affordable and easy. With this program, no solar or wind turbines equipment is necessary, and you get access to a simple subscription program offering an affordable way for your home or business to benefit from renewable energy. Other options include Solar*Rewards and Solar*Rewards Community.

3) You help make all this happen

At the end of the day, our customers are vital players. When we team up to be energy efficient and choose renewable energy sources; the economics are promising. Did you realize for the last decade while Xcel Energy brought on more renewables and continued energy efficiency goals, the average residential electric bill from Xcel Energy was 26% below the national average. That’s a home-field advantage for all businesses and organizations served.

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