Simple ways to save money on home energy bills with details for renters and owners of single family and manufactured homes. Resources available in English, Hmong, Russian, Somali, and Spanish, with customizable guides for organizations to share.
Understand your energy use
Explore how energy assessments and audits can help you find gaps in the energy efficiency of your space.
Save money on your upgrades
Simple explanations for how residents, businesses, and tax-exempt groups can use available clean energy incentives.
Resources for residents
Energy Assistance Program
Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program helps pay for heat and electricity costs for income-qualified households. The program can also arrange to repair or replace homeowners' broken heating systems.
Weatherization Program
The Weatherization Assistance Program provides free home energy upgrades to income-eligible homeowners and renters to help save energy and make homes healthy and safe places to live. Resources available in English, Hmong, Somali, and Spanish.
Energy Saving Equipment on the Farm
On-farm energy assessments are tailored to each agricultural operation’s primary energy uses.
Manufactured Home Park Energy Efficiency
Good clean energy projects do more than just reduce pollution: good projects support people in making their lives better and provide on-ramps to engagement in the clean energy transition. Find out what we've learned over the years in this work with Manufactured Home Parks.