Community Energy Ambassadors

Engaging Minnesotans to support clean energy projects within their communities.

Community Energy Ambassadors advance clean energy projects within their communities.

As a Community Energy Ambassador you gain access to the knowledge and skills needed to help others meaningfully participate in the clean energy transition. You support communities in their efforts to start clean energy projects with relevant resources and connections. As community members engage in energy decision making, their voices are well-informed and centered in the priorities of their community.

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Community Energy Ambassador Paths

We want Community Energy Ambassadors to be well-versed in all areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy. You don't have to be an expert, you just need to be curious and open to learning. 

Group studying

Cohort training

The current cohort members will meet virtually and in person in late 2024.

Their training will be shaped based on their community values and needs, which will further develop the Community Energy Ambassador program. We look forward to sharing what they (and we) learn!

Person studying

Self-directed training

Online training allows anyone to explore the Ambassadors program.

You can complete the training checklist according to your timeline. To become CERTified, you'll complete a project that will support community-led clean energy efforts.

Engagement Resources

We provide Community Energy Ambassadors with resources and tools that will help communities understand how clean energy can be a solution to challenges they face.

From handouts to videos, we work with clean energy experts to provide accurate and relevant resources for you to learn from and share. You don't have to be a CERTified Community Energy Ambassador to access these tools. They're available for everyone

Connecting Community Energy Ambassadors

Get to know more about the Community Energy Ambassador program and connect with your regional neighbors! Join an upcoming networking event and help us grow the Community Energy Ambassador program so we can support communities across Minnesota with their clean energy efforts. 

Metro CERT Community Energy Ambassador Networking Event

Metro CERT Community Energy Ambassador Networking Event

Register for the Metro CERT Community Energy Ambassador Networking event at Westwood Hills Nature Center. 

Community Energy Ambassadors Coffee Cup

Coffee Chat | Electric Vehicles

Join us for a casual coffee chat about electric vehicles (EVs). EV experts from our partners at the Great Plains Institute will join us to offer answers to your questions. 

Let's engage every county in Minnesota.

When people become a Community Energy Ambassadors we ask them where they live. This helps us understand where there may be gaps across the state as we look to support all communities with their clean energy ideas. Who do you know in the yellow counties? Encourage them to sign up! We want to make sure everyone in Minnesota can access clean energy incentives through the Communities Energy Ambassadors in their communities!

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Get the latest updates on training opportunities, engagement resources, and ways we can connect! 
We will never share your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Have questions or feedback? Let us know!