Family FACE-OFF: Putting on our game faces

Greetings! My name is Jeff Vetsch and from Earth Day 2012 until Earth Day 2013 my family is taking part in a Family Energy FACE-OFF. We will be highlighting our successes and asking others to join us as we continue to look for ways to reduce our home energy use. We hail from New London and are calling ourselves the Mill Pond Minimizers (the pond we live on in town).

Our nemesis in this competition is the Goodnough family from Morris. They have used their University of Minnesota Morris connections to jump out to an early lead (73,000 points to 12,600 points!) and we need you to join us so we can get back in the game. It’s really quite easy. Just go the website to join our team and click on the energy actions you have completed. We get the points and you get to save some money! While you’re there, watch the video of our families and learn more about other actions you can take to help us overtake the Goodnoughs.

I’ll be checking back in frequently to update on how things are going, and to write about energy conservation issues, initiatives and opportunities.

Join our team and wish us luck!

You can see this original post on my blog for the West Central Tribune.

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