Get your energy geek on with these three CARD grant reports!

October 2024

Explore CARD reports

The Minnesota Department of Commerce funds a wealth of fascinating and enlightening projects within their Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) grants. 

According to their website, “CARD projects quantify the savings, cost-effectiveness, and field performance of advanced technologies; characterize market potential of products and technologies in the State; and investigate and pilot innovative program strategies. Completed CARD projects provide utilities with informative and timely information to enhance energy efficiency program designs.”

Oh sure, some of the CARD reports can be a little dry to read, but they also provide videos and webinars you can watch to learn more (this may appeal to the “I didn’t read the book but I saw the movie” crowd). 

CERTs’ Imani Mosher picked three of her favorites to highlight and shared some thoughts:

HVAC Contractor Decision Research

Small-to-Medium Commercial HVAC Project Decision Making

Contractors play a key role when it comes to implementing clean energy projects. This research is asking all the right questions to get at the root of motivations and barriers for HVAC installers working with residential and small commercial buildings.

This research highlights that most HVAC equipment is replaced when the current system fails. It's a good idea to make a plan for replacing your HVAC equipment before it fails, so you can make an informed choice!

Ductless Cold Climate Heat Pumps for Multifamily Applications

I didn't realize just how flexible ductless heat pumps were. This technology offers an amazing opportunity for multifamily building owners to reduce energy costs AND increase comfort for residents. 

I learned that open concept layouts are best for ductless cold climate heat pumps. I appreciate the researchers emphasis on the importance of designing the space so that ductless heat pumps can perform most efficiently.

Optimized Installations of Air source Heat Pumps in Single Family Homes

Wow! The ASHPS installed during this research were two to three times more efficient than the heating system they replaced. Good design and installation of ASHPs matter. We must ensure that training materials, best practices, design guidance, and program specifications are available to ensure that upcoming ASHP installations can deliver on their promise of energy efficiency. 

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