On April 21, folks gathered at the annual Iron Range Earth Fest. This community event brought together three generations of Rangers. Their purpose was to learn more about building a sustainable economy, environment, and community—and to connect with one another. These energetic citizens actively enjoyed their day-long interaction in Mt.

Do you and your community need funding to get an energy efficiency or renewable energy project off the ground? The Minnesota Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) can help! Each of our seven regional teams are looking to seed innovative, community-based clean energy projects, and yours could be the perfect fit.

I took the family camping last week to Frontenac State Park on the bluffs above the Mississippi River near Red Wing. Before having children, my wife and I used to go backpack camping and would bring along as little as possible. Now it seems like we bring everything but the kitchen sink.

The second annual St. Cloud Sustainability EXPO on Earth Day 2012 rocked. Jeff Vetsch, West Central CERT Coordinator, and Angela Headlee, Central CERT Coordinator, joined forces to light up the event with an LED, CFL, and incandescent light bulb display.

Greetings! My name is Jeff Vetsch and from Earth Day 2012 until Earth Day 2013 my family is taking part in a Family Energy FACE-OFF. We will be highlighting our successes and asking others to join us as we continue to look for ways to reduce our home energy use. We hail from New London and are calling ourselves the Mill Pond Minimizers (the pond we live on in town).

Over 100 community members from around the Metro region gathered for Metro CERT’s fifth annual spring resource and networking event on Wednesday, April 18th, 2012! Click here to see the full agenda. Kicking Things Off: City Councilmember Gary Schiff, who represents Ward 9, kicked off the event by welcoming attendees to his district.

From Earth Day 2012 to Earth Day 2013, two Minnesota families and hundreds of their teammates are competing in the Family Energy FACE-OFF to see who can save more energy. This new community-based energy competition has been launched in a partnership between the Minnesota-based, Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) and the University of Minnesota, Morris, Office of Sustainability.

We’re Troy, Jenn, and Ely Goodnough, and we’re not just saving the planet, we’re saving for college! Our team is called the Prairie Penny Pinchers, and we live in Morris, MN.

We’re Jeff Vetsch, Anne Dybsetter, and our kids Henry and Hazel, and we think this contest is going to be a cake walk! Our team is the Mill Pond Minimizers, and we call New London, MN home. We think the Family Energy FACE-OFF will be a great way to get our kids—and our friends and family—involved in saving energy and money at home! Below is a little interview with more about us.

Dairy farmer Nathan Gibbs is in a sunny frame of mind. He just installed a 39,840 watt PV solar system on the south-facing roof of his cow shed, which will supply 30% of the farm’s electricity needs annually.

Gibbs milks 100 Holsteins on his dairy farm in southeast Minnesota near Altura.

On May 15 (only two weeks away!) the Renewable Materials Summit: Markets for Building the Biorefinery will take place in Fargo, North Dakota. The event will highlight and explore the companies and markets that are driving opportunities for returns on investment that leverage the emerging bioeconomy.

Project Independence is a 44-panel solar panel array at the Chisago Lakes Middle School in Lindstrom, MN. The project received large support from the community as well as major grants from the State of Minnesota and the Metro Clean Energy Resource Team (CERT), but science teacher Pat Collins would tell you that his students really took ownership in making it happen.

The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport recently added a large solar air heat installation to their facilities, for which they are holding a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, May 16th. We chatted with Jason Edens at the Rural Renewable Energy Alliance (RREAL) who manufactured and installed the project to learn more. Angela Headlee: Tell me a little about RREAL.

Hello future architects and builders! We caught wind of South Central College’s Building Design & Energy Technology course and spoke with instructor Ryan Langemeier to learn more.

The Midwest is home to a wealth of energy resources, which vary considerably by state. How those resources are deployed will impact the region’s economy, landscape, environment, and public health. A new online resource, The Power Almanac of the American Midwest, has been designed to allow you to flexibly and dynamically explore the region’s electric resources, opportunities, and challenges.

Direct energy use accounts for between 5 and 7 percent of farm expenditures. In terms of electricity used, Minnesota dairies show the largest energy costs, followed by corn growers (for grain drying especially), swine, soybeans, and other agricultural crops.

According to Barry Ryan and Douglas G.

There are lots of ways for convenience and grocery stores to reduce their overhead costs with simple energy efficiency and conservation efforts. We spoke with Jon Fabre, Senior Program Design Specialist with Otter Tail Power Company (Otter Tail), to learn about innovative ways that Otter Tail is working with their customers to reduce commercial refrigeration costs.

Sharing and Caring Hands has been serving the needs of the poor in Minneapolis since 1985.

The Building Owners and Managers Associations of Greater Minneapolis and Greater St. Paul today joined Xcel Energy in announcing the winners of the first annual Kilowatt Crackdown, a new energy conservation initiative. The year-long contest challenged Twin Cities area building owners to improve their buildings’ efficiency.

Minnesota is in the midst of a transition to sustainable, clean energies for the 21st century. One of those energy sources is hidden underground. That’s right—there are abundant geothermal resources below our state’s lovely surface. This is the conclusion of a report recently published by the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Michaels Energy is an energy efficiency consulting company looking to partner with Minnesota convenience stores and utilities in a unique opportunity to save energy and money. We spoke with Ralph Dickinson to learn more.

Joel Haskard: Tell us a little bit about this project.

There has been a lot of attention recently focusing on electric vehicles (EVs) like the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf (see recent blog posts here and here), but what about other modes of electrified transportation? We caught up with Melissa Wenzel to hear about her experiences with electric bikes and scooters.

Joel Haskard: You own both an electric bike and an electric scooter.

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