EPA anticipates awarding approximately $400 million in competitive grant funding under the Clean School Bus Grants Program Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Serve a community, address critical environmental issues, and develop green job skills as a Minnesota GreenCorps member. Positions are available with governments, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions statewide.
Midwest Climate Resilience Conference, hosted by UMN Climate Adaptation Partnership, is accepting proposals for sessions and presentation abstracts through June 9, 2023.
Rural Business Innovation Lab is a cohort-based, entrepreneurial development program to build a peer network dense with innovative ideas, professional expertise, and resources needed for underserved rural entrepreneurs to start and scale their businesses.
The Metro CERT Steering Committee is proud to welcome five new members beginning their service in 2023. Steering Committees help guide the work of CERTs’ seven regions.
Each year the Sustainable City Award is given to a participating GreenStep Cities community for their work implementing one or more of the program's 29 best practices.
We partnered with AmeriCorps’ Climate Impact Corps for a second year to offer exciting opportunities for individuals to serve throughout Minnesota as Sustainability Project Coordinators. Applications will be accepted until each role is filled, with opportunities beginning in July, August, October 2023, and January 2024.
The MPCA seeks public, private, and nonprofit owners of heavy-duty diesel on-road trucks and transit buses to apply to this competitive grant opportunity to partially fund new, cleaner versions of these vehicles. Proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. on April 28, 2023.
Do you live in southeast Minnesota and have a desire to advance renewable energy and energy efficiency projects across your region of the state? Consider applying for the SE CERT Regional Coordinator position.
We are excited to announce that 2023 is the Clean Energy Resource Teams' (CERTs) 20th Anniversary! We hope you will join us as we make plans to celebrate our CERTsiversary all year long!
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is accepting applications from organizations interested in hosting a Minnesota GreenCorps member for the 2023-2024 program year. Applications due March 14, 2023.
The Clean Energy Resource Teams and our partner, the Great Plains Institute (GPI), are excited to welcome Lindsay Stauner to our team as the program associate for the Communities Team at GPI.
This voluntary recognition program is designed to provide communities with a roadmap to EV readiness and help them achieve their EV-readiness goals with technical assistance.
Xcel Energy Partners in Energy provides communities services to develop an energy plan and assistance with implementing that plan. Each community has its own unique energy needs and priorities, and Partners in Energy tailors its services to complement each community’s vision.
We're sending our best to Chris Meyer as she steps away from her role as SE CERT Coordinator after years of instrumental work in the region and in the partnership as a whole.
After several years of work with Great Plains Institute's Communities Program and a dedicated member of the Metro CERT team, we bid farewell and best wishes to Kris Acuña as he steps into a new role.
To increase the ease of use of electric vehicles, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state, the MPCA has $664,000 available to install Level 2 EV charging stations in public places, workplaces, and multiunit dwellings.